About Us

All India Parivartan Sewa Samiti

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All India Parivartan Sewa Samiti

All India Parivartan Sewa Samiti (AIPSS) is a non-governmental organization (NGO) committed to empowering communities and promoting sustainable development through a range of initiatives. Our focus areas include Handicraft, Ministry of Textile, Vocational Training, Rural Area Research Work, Marketing Exhibitions and others.
Our Handicraft program aims to preserve and promote traditional Indian art forms and support local artisans. We work with skilled artisans to create high-quality products that showcase the rich cultural heritage of India. Through our Ministry of Textile initiative, we provide training and support to textile manufacturers to improve the quality of their products and create sustainable livelihoods. Our Vocational Training program offers skill-based training to individuals from underprivileged backgrounds, enabling them to secure better-paying jobs and improve their standard of living. Our Rural Area Research Work program conducts research and analysis on rural development issues, with a focus on identifying sustainable solutions to address poverty and inequality. Finally, our Marketing Exhibitions provide a platform for local artisans and entrepreneurs to showcase their products and connect with potential customers.
At AIPSS, we believe that sustainable development can only be achieved by working closely with communities and empowering individuals. We are committed to creating positive change through our initiatives and welcome partnerships and collaborations with like-minded organizations and individuals.

Our Mission

All India Parivartan Sewa Samiti is a non-profit organization that empowers artisans and promotes Indian handicrafts through vocational training, marketing exhibitions, and rural area research work. Their mission is to create a sustainable and equitable society by empowering individuals and communities to reach their full potential.

Our Vision

All India Parivartan Sewa Samiti envisions a world where Indian handicrafts are valued, and artisans are empowered to reach their full potential. The organization strives to create a sustainable and equitable society where every individual has access to education, healthcare, and clean water through their initiatives in vocational training, marketing exhibitions, and rural area research work.

Our Objective

All India Parivartan Sewa Samiti aims to empower artisans and promote Indian handicrafts through vocational training, market linkages, and rural area development while preserving the country’s cultural heritage. Their objective is to create sustainable livelihoods and a positive impact on society.